How Can I Keep Plaque from Growing on My Braces?

Plaque is a white, sticky substance that can cause trouble. It can encourage cavity growth, gum disease development, and white-spotted teeth. It’s important to keep plaque at bay when you have braces so you can prevent these dental issues. To help you do so, our dentist, Dr. L.C. Chilimigras, is happy to share some tips with you. First, brush your... read more »

With Early Detection, Gingivitis Can Be Treated

Gum disease is a shockingly prevalent oral health problem afflicting an estimated 47% of the American population over the age of 30. This needless condition is often the result of poor oral hygiene and a failure to attend your regular dental checkups. This can leave plaque and other bacterial deposits on your teeth. In time, they could harden into dangerous... read more »

A Chipped Crown Needs Professional Dental Care

Dental crowns are typically crafted from durable materials like gold, base metals or special dental porcelain. This gives them the strength to handle the daily wear and tear of chewing food. However, there still some things that can cause a chip on one of your crowns. This could come in the form of chronic night grinding or an accidental fall... read more »

Not All Bad Breath Is Caused by What You Eat

Not all bad breath is caused by what you eat. Other underlying illnesses and medications you may be taking can also bring about conditions that increase your risk of bad breath. Plaque buildup is frequently caused by foods, but there are other conditions that can exacerbate its effects on your smile. For example, if you are taking any medications, a... read more »

Treating Gum Disease With Laser Dentistry

One of the more effective advances in dental technology in recent years has been the use of lasers in a variety of procedures. Lasers are convenient and effective, achieving quicker results and causing less pain to patients. One of the ways Dr. L.C. Chilimigras uses lasers at Lakeview Dental Care is to treat gum disease. Gum disease is an infection... read more »

Why Your Gums Bleed

Many people suffer from bleeding gums, but most of them overlook it. Overlooking your bleeding gums is the worst thing you can do, and it’s best to pinpoint the problem and treat it as soon as possible. To help you recognize the cause of your bleeding gums, we have provided the following situations that can be involved with bleeding gums:... read more »

Flossing is Sometimes More Important than Brushing Your Teeth

For as long as most of us can remember, we have been told to brush our teeth twice everyday. However, the average person brushes their teeth once a day, and on good days they brush twice! But what about flossing each day? Did you know that flossing is actually considered more important than brushing? So, why do people forget such... read more »